
Media Centre

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Ƶapp begins consultation with staff on potential workplace change

Read more about Ƶapp begins consultation with staff on potential workplace change

Tuesday 22 October 2024

New research uncovers the mysteries of the elusive Bryde’s whales

Read more about New research uncovers the mysteries of the elusive Bryde’s whales


Governors gone wild: Mexico faces a “lost generation” of corrupt leaders

During the colonial period, the Spanish Americas were governed under the 14th-century formula, “Obedézcase, pero no se cumpla”: obey, but do not comply.

Buried tools and pigments tell a new history of humans in Australia for 65,000 years

The question of when people first arrived in Australia has been the subject of lively debate among archaeologists, and one with important consequences for the global story of human evolution.

The NSW Budget will make it easier for first homebuyers to buy a house in the Illawarra: Truth or fiction?

By Alex Frino, Professor of Economics, Ƶapp of Ƶapp. 

Surfing the 3D printing wave: the changing face of surfboard fin production

To catch a sweet ride, surfers rely heavily on two things: the waves, and their board.

Five tips to get the most out of your workday

Getting a lot done each day is about more than just having the right productivity tools and setup. It’s about taking care of your body and mind, and this starts even outside of the workplace.

Home prices tell us the value the public puts on green spaces

Homes near green amenities are more desirable and more expensive because residents are willing to pay higher prices to gain the many benefits of green spaces.

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